岩崎琢 – TVアニメ「ノラガミ」オリジナルサウンドトラック~野良神の音~ (MP3/2014.02.19/171.8MB)
01. Delivery
02. Fluctuation
03. 野良譚
04. Peanut
05. Quiet fear
06. Recollection
07. Lurk in the dark
08. Soul chosen
09. Afternoon usual
10. Reproach
11. Misogi
12. Roar of God
13. Blind spot
14. Creepy
15. Again
16. Shadow dancing
17. Grief
18. Family
19. Harmony
20. Back alley
21. Sorrow
22. Corollary
23. The One
24. Conversation heart

オムニバス – GIRLS ROCK#SURF (MP3/2013.09.25/71.4MB)
1. Can I Be The One/ Juliana M.
2. Surf N Sun/ Draft King
3. Fallin’ For You/ LOVERSSOUL
4. Lucky Girl I Am/ Shiori Kurose
6. Second Chance/ Eri Yoshida
7. My Summer Boy/ Kotomi Kas
8. Maboroshi/ Draft King
9. Just You ‘n’ Me/ LOVERSSOUL
宮野真守 – NEW ORDER (MP3/2014.02.19/25.4MB)
2. 覚醒エタニティ
3. Happy Happy Birthday
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