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shepherd – Mirror (MP3/2014.03.12/88.45MB)
1. 来週
2. 幸せの蒼い海で
3. patchwork doll
4. デコレイト
5. meteor
6. little anniversary
7. Roller coaster
8. 透明なリボンが解けるまで
9. Mirror
10. ドアの魔法
Gotch – Live in Tokyo (MP3/2014.12.03/144MB)
1. Humanoid Girl
2. The Long Goodbye
3. Can’t Be Forever Young
4. Stray Cats in the Rain
5. Aspirin
6. Route 6
7. Blackbird Sings at Night
8. Only Love Can Break Your Heart
9. Great Escape from Reality
10. Lost
11. Nervous Breakdown
12. A Shot in The Arm
13. Sequel to the Story
14. A Girl in Love
15. Wonderland (Encore)
16. Baby, Don’t Cry (未発表曲) (Encore)
banvox – Love Strong / Watch Me Dance (MP3/2014.02.26/19MB)
1. Love Strong
2. Watch Me Dance